Our Studios

Unleash the power of technology with Qubika Studios

Our Studio delivery model enables us to address challenges head-on by bringing technology and domain experts together. This ensures we deliver immediate business value with our customized solutions.

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We’ll create your specialist team from our Studios

Drawing inspiration from our name, we introduce the Qubika Studio Model.

Just as a cube has six faces, each offering a unique viewpoint, Qubika tackles challenges from multiple angles, ensuring a holistic approach to every solution.

Data & AI

Step 1

We’ll assemble a multidisciplinary team of specialists to work on your digital products and challenges.

Step 2

As your product advances, or your needs change, the team composition adapts as required.

Creating Competitive Advantage

The advantages of our approach

A unified and flexible service enables you to not only develop high-quality digital products but also to adapt more swiftly and effectively to market challenges.

  • Unified service

    We assist organizations in developing digital products through a holistic approach. Integral to this is uniting teams of professionals from diverse backgrounds, who then collaborate as a singular, cohesive unit to achieve our client's goals.

  • Flexibility

    The various studios offer businesses the flexibility required to flourish. Modern businesses demand rapid team adjustments to tackle new challenges. A flexible framework allows our clients to swiftly adapt to each product and market phase.

  • High-quality

    Our Studios bring a set of best practices and industry standards for building high-quality digital experiences. When we assemble a multidisciplinary team, each professional arrives armed with those toolsets to elevate our service to industry-leading levels.

  • Expertise & knowledge

    Our Studios focus on specific technology and business areas, gaining deep knowledge and experience. This means we can give you expert advice and insights, thanks to our specialized experts.

Our Approach

A typical Qubika client journey

  • Step 1

    Step 1


    We get to know you and your challenges.

    • Tech Assessments
    • Prototyping
    • Workshops
    • Research
  • Step 2

    Step 2

    Strategy & Roadmap

    The creation of the roadmap includes the work of different studios.

    • Product Development Roadpmaps
    • Cloud, Cybersecurity
    • Data & AI Roadmaps
  • Step 3

    Step 3

    Implementation & Metrics

    In this phase the Agile Delivery Pods start executing.

    • Metrics
    • Agile Excecution
    • Benchmarks
    • KPIs

What our clients say about us


Let’s work together

Get in touch with our experts to review your idea or product, and discuss options for the best approach

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