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January 24, 2024

List of UX/UI and Design Thinking conferences in 2024

Looking to inspire your designers and learn new techniques to enrich your product?

As apps and web platforms become increasingly more complex and interactive, and as consumer demands grow, implementing UX/UI strategies can help businesses captivate their audience and better understand their target market.

With constant new developments, events and conferences are the go-to places to witness these ideas come to life and benefit from industry advice and knowledge. At Qubika, we use these events to stay updated with the latest design news and industry trends. They also serve as a source of inspiration for our future projects.

UX/UI and Design Thinking Conferences

Last update: June 2024

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enrique vignole

By Enrique Vignole

Tech Lead | Design Studio

Enrique is a Tech Lead of Design Studio at Qubika. While being passionate about disruptive design and product solutions at work, at home he enjoys crafting beautiful wooden artifacts and playing with his dog Apolo.

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